This page of our website represents the legal document and the terms and conditions of our website Usage of our website indicates that you completely agree with our Terms and Conditions whenever you get to visit our site.
The terms "we" "us" and "our" refers to the owner of synthetic gems website. Here the "Visitor" is someone who browses our site the "Member" is the one who has acquired any of our products. The term "User" is known as the collective reference of visitor and member of our website. The term "Product" refers to the mentioned items that we sell or give away on our website. ‘
All sort of texts, images, videos, infographics, and data provided regarding our website and products are collectively known as "Content" whereas we state the content posted by the user or visitor is termed as "Member Content".
Acceptance of Agreement
This agreement is between you and synthetic Gems company.
This agreement of terms and conditions holds the disclaimers and other provisions that are liable to you (the user). We recommend all the users to read the terms and conditions carefully and then proceed with using the website. If you do not agree with our terms and conditions, then we highly recommend you to leave our website without any second thoughts.
Privacy Notice
We practice privacy notice as a part of our Terms and Conditions, and we suggest all the users go through this Privacy Notice carefully and if you have any disagreement with our Privacy Notice then you can exit our website.